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Christmas campaign for Art of Π

Jewels: Art of Π
Styling: Boutique Matarena
Venue: S.i.L. Shakespeare Ιn Love
MUA: Archontaki Eleytheria
Model: Spanakou Melina
Videographer / Editor / Photographer: Dora Dimitriou

Model dressed by Karavan Clothing and Madame Shoushou.

Art of Π | Website


Art of Π | Corporate | Dora Dimitriou
Art of Π | Corporate | Dora Dimitriou
Art of Π | Corporate | Dora Dimitriou
Art of Π | Corporate | Dora Dimitriou
Art of Π | Corporate | Dora Dimitriou
Art of Π | Corporate | Dora Dimitriou
Art of Π | Corporate | Dora Dimitriou
Art of Π | Corporate | Dora Dimitriou