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Paved Escape

Creative Ingredients: Travel Photography

While reviewing my travel albums, I couldn’t help but notice a specific pattern. It seems that I always had a thing about roads.

Roads mean freedom for me. Freedom to start, to stop, to choose your direction and of course enjoy the view during your beautiful trip. A paved escape.

“Nothing behind me, everything ahead of me, as is ever so on the road.”
― Jack Kerouac, On the Road

Lines, trees & mist spice up my scenery. And I enjoy the mist very much. The mystery, the naturally blurred lines and the thrill of the unexpected after the next turn, thrill me too.

Oh, the scenery! Like a still from a movie. Don’t you agree?
A romantic, mystery, or even thriller movie. I can close my eyes & imagine scenes take action in my photos. I wonder if I am unconsciously scouting for movie sceneries. Is it just for my Paved Escape project or is it a general pattern of my travel photography aspect?

And you? What would you define as a “Paved Escape”?

Roads | Personal Project | Dora Dimitriou
Roads | Personal Project | Dora Dimitriou
Roads | Personal Project | Dora Dimitriou
Roads | Personal Project | Dora Dimitriou
Roads | Personal Project | Dora Dimitriou
Roads | Personal Project | Dora Dimitriou
Roads | Personal Project | Dora Dimitriou
Roads | Personal Project | Dora Dimitriou
Roads | Personal Project | Dora Dimitriou
Roads | Personal Project | Dora Dimitriou
Roads | Personal Project | Dora Dimitriou