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The yard of Belenux

I welcome you to travel to Brussels, Bruges & Amsterdam through my latest travel photography blog post.

Wandering in the streets of Brussels, Bruges and Amsterdam was the occasion of a trip, with the ultimate goal of depicting collective everyday life and avoiding tourist arrivals.

This recording implies regularity in the context we call daily routine.

How I got there?
Thanks to my friend Elli & her sister who is working in Brussels. So, I just was lucky!

Lucky to visit all these totally different places and lucky to explore them with people who live around. They really took me to corners that probably I would never be by myself.

Colors, light, architecture, people, domestic details and of course roads are the main elements of this travel album. I got magnetized by the beauty, the uniformity of the environment and by the people that fit perfectly to it.

Three different cities, three different places where I got lost in their beauty and then kept these clicks as permanent memories.

Scroll down to explore Brussels, Burges & Amsterdam through my personal aesthetics & let me know how you felt at the end, or which photo moment is your favorite!